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ISBN | 9782012387768 | 9786144058688 |
Type | Hard copy | Hard copy |
Walter Badier has a doctorate in history after having defended, in 2015, a thesis entitled "Alexandre Ribot and the Moderate Republic. Formation and rise of a liberal politician" (1858-1895), under the direction of university professor Jean Garrigues . In 2016, Walter Badier won the Thesis Prize from the Varenne University Institute, in the category "Political philosophy and history of ideas and the Republic", allowing him to have his thesis published by LGDF-Lextenso editions, in the “Collection of Theses” (n° 130). Having become a lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Orléans (Laboratoire ÉRCAÉ – EA7493) within the INSPE Centre-Val de Loire, in June 2020, Walter Badier was appointed deputy director at the INSPE (Institut National Higher Professorship and Education) CVL, in Orléans. In addition, he is secretary general and member of the editorial board of the journal Parlement[s]. Political history review, since 2007. He is also author of the “Citadelle” collection and the pedagogical work “Teaching history in primary schools” (Profession Teacher collection).